Thursday, 14 April 2011

Spring Cleaning!!!

My workspace has been in some turmoil for quite some time now.  I have been meaning to reorganize my space and have a clear out for over a year now, but have never had the opportunity to do so.  Yesterday I have a spare hour or so during the day (the rascals were out at Granny and Grandad's, having fun on the allotment in the camper van!!!) and ceased the opportunity.  At one point I simply couldn't get out of the room.  Shelving had to be moved to make room to move my desk, filing cabinet etc, and every minute of floor space was covered!!!

By 10pm things were starting to come together.  I am far from finished (I still have piles of fabric needing to be organised, piles of paper to be filed, and unfinished pieces that need to be completed and put away etc.), but my space is less cluttered (I can walk from one end of the room to the other), and this has resulted in a clearer head.  I now also have room to set up my machine on my desk and get myself a small ironing board up here.  Hoorah!!!

I wonder how many others are on a clearing mission this Easter!?!  I have already had phone calls from my dad asking "do you want......?",  so they are obviously on one too!

I am out on a hot date with hubby tonight and I'm then jet setting across the border (to Yorkshire) tomorrow to spend a few days with my sister and her little lovelies.

Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe! Glad I'm not on my own! I've had a clearout too, why why do I keep so much stuff ;o)